Christine Tamblyn (July 12, 1951- January 1, 1998) was a media artist and feminist. She was born in Waukegan, Illinois, USA and attended a Catholic girls' school, Carmel High School for Girls, in Mundelein, IL. She never learned to ride a bike or drive a car. She was very shy as a child. She wrote critical articles and reviews which appeared in art magazines and journals including Afterimage, Art News and Leonardo. Her two CDROMs, "She Loves It, She Loves It Not: Women and Technology" (1993 collaboration with Marjorie Franklin and Paul Tompkins) and "Mistaken Identities" have been shown internationally and featured at museums, galleries and conferences. She was a pioneer of the Artists' CD-ROM, a new form of the Artists' book
Christine Tamblyn had also taught at a number of institutions including: Mills College, Oakland, California; School of Visual Arts, NY; University of California, Santa Cruz; San Francisco State University; Florida International University. At the time of her death she was an Assistant Professor of Visual Arts at the University of California, Irvine.
Christine Tamblyn died on New Year's Day 1998 at her home in San Francisco at the age of 46 of breast cancer.